Argumentative Paragraph

The Way to Be a Successful Person
                Every person wants to be successful. There is no one in this world who does not want it. Success is a condition when your dreams are becoming true. If you reach your dream, so it means that you get a success medal. Here are some examples of successful people and their own dreams. Bill Gates dreamed that there would be a computer in every home, Thomas Edison dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by electricity, Salahuddin Al Ayyubi dreamed the freedom of the city of Jerusalem, and Ir. Soekarno dreamed about Indonesian independence. They are already achieving their desire, taking their goal, reaching their dream, in other word they already become successful persons. Now, how about you? How can you become like them? How can you reach your dream? How can you be a successful person? Many people assume that if you want to be successful, you must have a brain, you must have a very high IQ or you should be a clever boy. So if you are not smart, you can’t be a successful person. However, they are wrong. Those ideas do not effect on how to be a successful person. In my opinion, being successful needs other aspects which everyone can do. Being a successful person needs hard work, optimism, and pray.
            First, you need hard work to reach your success. Hard work is the basis for everything worthwhile you will achieve in life. Everything needs hard work, and that makes hard work is very important. Success needs hard work. A great job needs hard work. A big house needs hard work, and even smile also needs hard work. There is nothing which can be achieved without hard work. Another reason why hard work becomes very important is because hard work can bring success faster. There will always be so many obstacles and problems every time and it must be hard time for you. However, gradually, you will able and enjoy with all of those things and it will make your road to success become smoother. Hard work is also important because it can make you feel happy. Some sweat which is produced from your hard work will make you become a very thankful person and a happier person. You will be proud of yourself and you are happy with that. If you truly want to be successful, so be ready to be a hard worker. It is true that not all of the hard work will succeed, but we must know that there is no big thing that can be achieved without hard work.
            The second aspect is optimism. An optimism is needed to be a successful person. If hard work makes your road to success smoother, optimism will make you enjoy on the way through that road. You must feel optimistic every time. Don’t give up easily. Don’t think that your dream is too high or very hard to get. So keep optimistic because you can handle everything. Don’t let any load affects you to stop. You can handle every load whether it is small or big. You also must keep optimistic because there will be a way out in every problem. You need to be patient and never complain. You should remember that God will never give a problem that you can’t solve.
            The last is you need to pray every time. Remember that you have a God. So don’t be arrogant. Just take everything that you want in a pray. You must believe that god will answer your pray on his way. Be patient. Because of God, you can live, you can breathe, and etcetera, so you should believe in Him. It is true that your life is destined by God. You are rich, it is your destiny. You are famous, it is your destiny. You are sick, it is also your destiny, but don’t forget that pray can change anything including destiny. God always has a plan for his kind people. So be a good person, don’t waste that plan and God will always help you.
            Your dream is your success. You get your dream and it means that you reach your success. Success is your goal in your life. You must sacrifice everything to be a successful person. You need a lot of energy, big mentality, and a very strong faith. You need to be a hard worker, you should always think positively, and you must believe in your God. Those three aspects will bring you to your success.


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